Well hello everyone, A real quick blog update today. Had a good weekend, went to a Darren Hanlon concert and for those of you who dont know him he is a really good Australian singer songwriter. The last time I went and saw him in Tassie Joel and I got him to sign a beer coaster to say he would come to Stavanger Norway and Joel and Ryan would be on the door list. Anyway he was quite suprised to hear G'day Darren called out to him when he entered and more suprised to see the coaster. Anyway to cut a long story short he took up the offer to get a lift back to stavanger with us (Joel, Emma and I) and stayed at joels house that night before leaving to Estonia the next morning. I suggest you check out his music if you have not already at http://www.darrenhanlon.com/ Here is a photo below of us all on the couch at Joel and Em's with the coaster.

Anyway, work is getting really busy now so must be off to do some, Sorry to those of you I have not been in contact with for a while.
Ha det Bra.
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