Tuesday, 12 June 2007


Hello all,

I am offshore at the moment in teh North Sea and all is well. The weather is very good, about 16 - 20 knots which does not bother us for our work, we are hanging around a platform doing some prep work for a flexible lay a rigid lay and an umbillical. All other vessels arrived last night so there are now 4 subsea 7 vessel operating close by. I am on nightshift so just starting now 6pm (on my Birthday) and finish at 6 am tommorrow morning. If all goes well the campaign should be finished by the time I wake up for next shift........... but things dont normally go to plan.

Will see how it goes, all in all having a great time. I have never eaten so much, slept so much or been paid as much as I am at the moment so all is very well.




Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan, I thought it was either the 12th or 16th, so was going to go somewhere in the middle. Sounds like you are having a great time. I note you said you haven't eaten or sleep so much, but what about drunk so much, or is that out of bounds on the ship. I guess you will make up for that when you hit dry land.
Keep well and keep enjoying yourself.

Anonymous said...

Definately no drinking on board unfortunately, Heading back to shore now and will grab a beer on return,

Cheers, Ryan