The weekend prior we tried to go for a weekend of skiing in Sauda which turned into watching the rain come down, however that did not stop a good weekend. The journey there included a short ferry ride, some windy roads, lots of waterfalls and some deep long tunnels, some very picturesque countryside. On our arrival Kev and Mari had prepared a huge platter of food including cheese, fruit, biscuits and other goodies, from this time forward the weekend became a festival of eating food. This was helped out by Mari grandma who thought it essential to cook us 15 meals a day.
Joel and I have also found possibly the best beer in the world called Nøgene Wit. A wheat beer that has to be tasted to be believed, see photo below. They have been a little hard to get a hold of in the quantities that 2 thirsty Australian require but a quick email Joel sent to the brewery as assured us that good stocks will be now held in supermarkets both close to Joel and my house so hopefully this brewery comes through with the goods.
That’s all for now, check out the link to joels blog as he also has some cool pictures on there. Will put up some more photos of the weekend as soon as I get them
Ha det bra,
Nice, glad to see you didn't fall off pulpit rock. I'm also glad Joel kept Cooba on the lead, could you imagine if in his exuberance he bowled someone off the edge? Best to avoid that I think. We'll have to try and get up there again this summer when the weather is a bit warmer (ie. less snow!). See you soon!
Pretty cool pictures. I get vertigo just looking at them.
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