Well on Friday afternoon (4th April, DADS Birthday.... Happy Birthday DAD) I will be heading on Cross country ski tour across 120km of the Norwegian Countryside. Quite different to most weekends away that I am used to in Australia. The Trip will be over 4 days so will be returning hopefully on the Tuesday evening. A little apprehensive about traveling 30km a day on cross country skis with close to no experience. Hopefully what I lack in Experience I make up in Equipment (ALL THE GEAR NO IDEA). I have for the trip New back pack new skis multiple new GORE TEX pieces of clothing, new Shovel (to dig a snow cave if all goes bad…… quietly hoping to be able tto say I have slept in a snow cave :).
I am all packed, just cooked a loaf of bread to take on the trip and had a beer with Joel and borrowing his GPS for emergency case. We will be staying in Huts along the way that are dotted over the Norwegian countryside and can buy some food supplies, so only taking food for during the days. My pack weighs in at 15kg and that is including the essentials such as Jagermeister….. Weather is looking pretty good with light winds and – 5 degrees so hoping it stays like that with maybe a bit of sun would be great Hope to have some great photos on the next blog entry (Better than These ones anyway).