Sunday, 24 June 2007

Weekend in Haugesund

Hello all,

I was lucky enough this last weekend to spend it in a cabin by a Fjord just north of Stanger near a plce called Haugesund. There was also a celebration for midsummer as the longest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere was during the weekend just gone. We celebrated with a bon fire on the beach as the photos below will show. The weeeknd also included Skiing (water), lots of drinking, swimming and even got to sit in a Hot tub and drink some beers.

A View of the cabin from the fjord and The boys sailing their modified "surf boat" as they like to call it.

The High tech skis used to carve up the waters of the Fjord.

Carving up on the Fjord. I had a huge smile on my face after this ski as I have not done it in a while it and it was great fun. My body is still aching a little today though.

Night one and here is Marius having a drink on the boat, a few of us standing around the fire.

A perfectly still evening on the Fjord.

Christian the host and Jørn cooking up a bit of a feast for the midsummer celebrations

The feast and the starting of the bonfire.

The bonfie being continually fuelled through the night.

The crowd watching on.

Well thats about all I have for now.

Ha det bra.


Tuesday, 12 June 2007


Hello all,

I am offshore at the moment in teh North Sea and all is well. The weather is very good, about 16 - 20 knots which does not bother us for our work, we are hanging around a platform doing some prep work for a flexible lay a rigid lay and an umbillical. All other vessels arrived last night so there are now 4 subsea 7 vessel operating close by. I am on nightshift so just starting now 6pm (on my Birthday) and finish at 6 am tommorrow morning. If all goes well the campaign should be finished by the time I wake up for next shift........... but things dont normally go to plan.

Will see how it goes, all in all having a great time. I have never eaten so much, slept so much or been paid as much as I am at the moment so all is very well.



Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Dalsnuten Hike

Hey all,

Just a quick update this week with a couple of photos from the weekend, This is from a little spot on the other side of the Fjord from Stavanger called Dalsnuten (not 100% sure on the spelling). It was a graet day to get out in the sun and was almost 20 degrees, I even got a swim in.

Sopia (left) and Kirsti (right) taking a look over Stavanger.

Barbeque Master Jørn on a disposable grill that you buy from the supermarket called an engangsgrill.

Proof of swimming in Norway, I was the only one to get in the water but was not too cold. A guy from work Jørn on the background not brave enough to swim.

A typical coastline in Norway, not a straight line to be seen.
Looks like I could be offshore next week so there may not be an update for a little while.